Since your “To Do” list is at least fifty lines long, we’re giving you permission to skip washing your car and go straight to “set up an account with HBI International.” Not only are we giving you permission to put HBI at the top of your list, we’re actually encouraging you to.

Who is HBI International? The most premier partner for wholesale businesses in the smoking industry…but most importantly HBI is Smokus Focus’ exclusive wholesaler distribution partner.

Advantages of Setting Up an Account with HBI International:

1. Start giving your people what they want…

If you’re not slingin’ Smokus Focus to your customer base, then you’re doing it wrong. By getting set up with HBI International, you are able to start selling Smokus Focus to your beloved customer base. Your customers will love you, we’ll love you, and you’ll probably love yourself too.

2. Purchase other wholesale brands from HBI…

HBI International is “The Man” when it comes to offering awesome wholesaler products. Anything from RAW/Elements rolling papers to Clipper lighters–HBI has your back.

3. Dopamine

By crossing something off your To-Do list, your body will instantly give you that nice little hit of Dopamine…which not only makes you feel super accomplished, but is also totally legal and completely free.

We’ve done the dirty work for you…

Step-By-Step Guide to Opening an HBI Account

  1. Visit our Dealer Application Page.
  2. Fill out our incredibly basic inquiry form. It’s 2020, so putting your basic information into an online form is probably something humans do at least once a day.
  3. Click “Submit”
  4. HBI will send you an email once they’ve accepted your request to be a wholesaler with them.

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